Dismantling energy inequities
We provide solar energy solutions designed to efficiently address the energy needs of the off-grid and marginalized communities in Southeast Asia.
Our Impact
370+ solar installations in off-grid communities including
356 homes
22 community buildings
5 small businesses

We’ve installed 120+ kW of solar power in off-grid indigenous communities of Myanmar, lighting the lives of 4370 people.
Spotlight Project
We brought solar energy access to 83 families in five villages with our DC Home Systems in the Bhamo District of Kachin State. By our estimates, we have accelerated energy access of this community by at least 7 years. This is part of our effort to accelerate energy access for ethnic minority and indigenous communities in rural Myanmar by delivering reliable and affordable solar solutions.
Our Approach: Grassroots Design
Our projects draw on inspiration from design thinking and grassroots organizing. Grassroots Design aims to recognize people’s lived experiences and center their agency to create sustainable change in their communities.
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Donations will support our ongoing electrification projects and are securely processed through PayPal. If you have any questions or have an alternate donation method, please contact us!
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If you’re a company or organization looking to scale your energy access impact in Southeast Asia, let us know!